Haudatut unelmat tuottavat tuskaa, ne eivät toteudu koskaan. Voit listata niitä tuhan ja samantien haudata, laudata, heittää pois ja yrittää unohtaa.
Mutta unelmien keskellä kasvaa toivo tulevasta, joka kukkii kerran vuodessa, joka on se henki, joka pitää pintansa.
Tämä on teos haudatuista unelmista, jotka kukkivat kerran vuodessa. Kadotetusta ruumiista ja sen mukana haihtuneesta rakkaudesta.
“For Vilja
This 20 minutes went by fast. I was all the time figure out what this score means. IT kept me busy. Especially I had this card before. First I was a little sad I wished for something new but then I was surprised that it took me somewhere else completely. I was not so much connected to the group. But when I was out of ides I oriented myself. I think the most influence I had on my hand writing. Maybe it is also the heat. It seems that the letters melt.”
– Feedback from Simone Gisela Weber –