Akademie der Bildenden Künste Nürnberg, 2022-
M.A. Live Art Forms
Freie Universität Berlin, 2019-2022
M.A. Culture and Media Management
Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz Berlin, 2016-2019
B.A. Dance, Context, Choreography
North Karelia College, Riveria (prev. Outokumpu), 2014-2017
Vocational upper secondary education, dance

self portrait, 2019
Works & Collaborations
Phasenübergänge Vol. 3, 2022, choreo Nuria Hoeyng & Anne-Kathrin Tismer, Scharounplatz (DE) – dancer
Imposter Lab, 2021, laboratory with Kareth Schaffer, Construction Company (DE) – dancer, participant
Crossing the Pale River, 2021, audiowalk by Coila-Leah Enderstein & Nicola van Straaten, Tanzfabrik Berlin (DE) — production assistant, guide
Hypothetic Bodies, 2021, choreo Julia Keren Turbahn & Simone Gisela Weber, Tanzfabrik Berlin (DE) — dramaturgical support
Bee Dances, 2021/22, choreo Kareth Schaffer & ninus, Tanzfabrik Berlin (DE) / Bali Art Festival PKB (ID) — performer
The Impossibility of Doing Nothing, 2020, video work with Nora Fuchs
the truth & other stories, 2019, student work/graduation solo, Uferstudios Berlin (DE) — choreographer and dancer
MC175 – Minna Canthin liike ja liekki, 2019, Dance Theater Kramppi and Jyväskylä
City Theater, Jyväskylä (FI) — co-choreographer with Laura Lehtinen
High Diving, 2019, student work, choreo Julia Keren Turbahn, Uferstudios, Berlin (DE)
— dancer
Graduation Piece, 2018, student work, concept Mariana Nobre Vieira, Uferstudios,
Berlin (DE) — performer
OUT, 2018, choreo Ivo Dimchev, HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin (DE) — dancer
JADED, 2017, concept Sheena McGrandles, 48 Stunden Neukölln festival Berlin (DE) — performer
”Making Money is Art” -a.w., 2016, student work/graduation solo, Theatre Kiisu,
Outokumpu (FI) — choreographer and dancer
Touchme touchme touchme, 2016 Lohjan Kesä Tanssii, Lohja (FI) — duet with Ninni Tuovila
Slim Chance, 2016, student work, choreo Tasha Farrel, AMATA, Falmouth (UK) — dancer
Jotain rajaa, 2016, student work, choreo Marjo Kuusela, Theatre Kiisu, Outokumpu (FI) — dancer
What She said, 2015 Lohjan Kesä Tanssii, Lohja (FI) — solo work, choreographer and dancer
Ei tarinoita, 2015 Galleria Ratamo, Jyväskylä (FI) — producer, dancer and one of the choreographers
MeMeMe, 2015, student work, choreo Tomi Paasonen, Tapahtuma Kiisu, Outokumpu
(FI) — dancer
Kiehu pata kiehu, 2015, student work, Kulttuurikeskus Marita, Outokumpu (FI) —
dancer and one of the choreographers
Annettu tila, 2014, student work, choreo Ulla Mäkinen, Lonely in the Rain? -festival,
Joensuu City Theatre (FI) — dancer
Pikkutunneilla, 2014, Tanssiteatteri Kramppi/Dance theatre Kramppi, Ilokivi, Jyväskylä (FI) — dancer and one of the choreographers
Yhdessä unelmista totta, 2013, Huoneteatteri: Keski-Suomen Osuuspankki 110v.
Commissioned work, director Raili Kivelä, choreo Anne Joutsimäki, Jyväskylän
Paviljonki (FI) — dancer
Järvi, 2011, Tanssiteatteri Kramppi/Dance theatre Kramppi, choreo. Jaakko Nieminen,
Vuorilampi, Jyväskylä (FI) — dancer

Still from “Impossibility of Doing Nothing”
Workshop: ”From Many to One” with Simone Gisela Weber
North Karelia College Riveria, 2019
Temporary dance teacher, 3/2013-4/2015
Vocational Education Institute of Northern Central Finland
Dance teacher, 2/2013-4/2014
Jyväskylän Naisvoimistelijat/Jyväskylä gymnasts

writing session, 2019
Scholarships, Awards, Grants
Fonds Darstellende Künste, 2022
#TakeHeart Residence grant with HAU Berlin, 2 months
Dachverband Tanz Deutschland e.V., 2022
Dis-Tanz working grant, 6 months
Arts Promotion Centre Finland, 2021
Corona working grant, 3 months
Arts Promotion Centre Finland, 2021
Corona working grant, 2 months
Dachverband Tanz Deutschland e.V., 2021
Dis-Tanz working grant, 3 months
Arts Promotion Centre Finland, 2020
Corona working grant, 2 months
The Finnish Cultural Foundation, 2019
Project grant for MC175 – Minna Canthin liike ja liekki
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes scholarship, 2018

hungry for €, 2018
Additional Information
A member of a Jyväskylä, Finland, based dance theater Tanssiteatteri Kramppi since 2011. A member of the board during the years 2019-20, vice-chairman in 2020, chairman in 2022.
Participated in ”6th Dance Education Biennal” as a student in Berlin in 2018.
Participated in the following workshops:
Toimiva dialogi writing workshop, 2021, teacher Erkka Mykkänen
Kertoja ja näkökulma writing workshop, 2021, teacher Erkka Mykkänen
Ensemble Thinking, 2020, Marameo, teacher Andrew Wass
Music is the Best workshop, 2015, ITAK, teacher Elina Pirinen
I’ve fucked plenty with the future workshop, 2015, ITAK, teacher Jeremy Wade
Score workshop, 2014, Tanssiteatteri Kramppi, teacher Laura Lehtinen
Ideasta teokseksi choreography workshop, 2013, Tanssiteatteri Kramppi, teacher
Laura Lehtinen